So I've been using for a while now, at least a year, sporadically. And while there are a ton of good things to shout about, I want to talk about Portable Text and Serailizers
February 27, 2021
Managing text and content with Sanity
February 22, 2021
Schools Out
No school, home school, again!
This time we will try harder
No child left behind -
February 22, 2021
Embodied Interaction
For ages I had a niggling thought in the back of my mind that some of these proposed interfaces and interactions just seemed plain wrong, almost forced. It made me feel like a luddite!
February 19, 2021
Standing up jump in
Head submerged, up winning smile
Cold air on taught skin -
February 19, 2021
Sleepless bodies twitch
Breathing deep sighs of despair
As the gale breaks through -
February 8, 2021
I'm not so sure about Renderless Components
Lets try and keep templates as dumb as possible. Sticking to the basics should keep your template dumb and ultimately maintainable
February 5, 2021
Why I think VueJS is easy for new devs to pick up
With Vue, there are no doubts about where things belong. You can quickly put something together without too much trouble
April 12, 2020
Explaining functions to a ten year old
During the Corona virus lockdown I thought it might be a good idea to show my daughter what I do all day at work ...
November 13, 2019
A quick look at the new Vue JS Composition API
Those of you that use Vue, know that writing a single file component can be a very structured process, methods and variables must be written in specific, known, places ...